
Africa Telecom Transmission Map and Datasets

The poster map is provided with complimentary access to the Rolling Transmission Map. In addition, we also publish the following transmission datasets developed from the data underlying the map. These are available in two versions, the Silver and Gold transmission map subscriptions. The matrix below shows what each subscription includes.

The Silver transmission map subscription shows labels for all fibre nodes in the map (>5,000 labels), and includes the Terrestrial Route-Kms, Investment Requirement and Fibre Reach datasets. The Gold transmission map subscription, which additionally shows operator labels for each piece of network infrastructure (>9,500 labels), also includes the datasets for International Internet Bandwidth.

PriceGBP 259GBP 495GBP 995

A0 Poster Map

Rolled map shipped by courier worldwide

Online Maps

Provided on a single-user, 12-month subscription basis
Articles tracking Africa's transmission network roll out
Rolling Transmission Map
Category Transmission Map
- Quarterly Updated
- Selectable Population Density, Landscape, Earth Lights base maps
Silver Transmission Map
- Quarterly Updated
- Fibre Node Labels (>6,750 labels)
- Selectable Population Density, Landscape, Earth Lights base maps
- Selectable Range from Fibre Nodes base map
Gold Transmission Map
- Quarterly Updated
- Fibre Node Labels (>7,000 labels)
- Operator Labels (>15,000 labels)
- Selectable Population Density, Landscape, Earth Lights base maps
- Selectable Range from Fibre Nodes base map


Provided on a single-user, 12-month subscription basis
Terrestrial Route-Kms, Summary
- Terrestrial Route-Kms, by country
- Terrestrial Network Recent Contracts
- Fibre Reach (Operational), by country
- Fibre Reach (Under Construction), by country
- Fibre Reach (Planned or Proposed), by country
International Internet Bandwidth, Summary
- International Internet Bandwidth (Total), by country
- International Internet Bandwidth (Submarine Cable), by country
- International Internet Bandwidth (Cross Border), by country
- International Internet Bandwidth (Satellite), by country
Printed from: http://www.africabandwidthmaps.com/?page_id=38 .
© Africa Bandwidth Maps 2024.

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