Silver Map Subscription

Silver Transmission Map and Dataset Subscription

The Silver Transmission Dataset is provided with two additional layers of data to the transmission map, and six key metrics underlying the map. Tabular datasets are provided for: Route-kms, Fibre Reach (Operational), Fibre Reach (Under Construction), Fibre Reach (Planned and Proposed).

Silver Transmission Map

Please note: the image shown above is a screen shot only, you need to be logged in to access the live web maps. Access to the Silver Transmission Map and Dataset is provided on a single-user, 12-month subscription basis.


Silver Transmission Map

Node Labels

In addition to the map layers shown in the Rolling Transmission Map, the Silver Transmission map shows labels for fibre nodes and submarine cables when zoomed in to the closest three zoom levels.

In total, this map layer contains over 5,600 labels. Zoom into the map from a scale of approximately 1:148,000,000 (1cm = 1,480 km) to a scale of apx. 1:1,156,000 (1cm = 11.5 km).

Silver Transmission Map Fibre Reach

Included as a selectable background map layer, the Range from Nodes layer shows the 10-km, 25-km and 50-km range of fibre optic nodes. In total, the map shows over 5,600 nodes which are operational, under construction, planned or proposes.

The dataset contains corresponding tables, on a country-by-country basis, for population which within reach of a fibre node which is operational, under construction, is planned or proposed.

Tabular Datasets

Tabular datasets quantifying the extent and reach of Africa's terrestrial transmission networks on a country-by-country basis:

  • Terrestrial Route-Kms, by country
  • Fibre Reach (Operational), by country
  • Fibre Reach (Under Construction), by country
  • Fibre Reach (Planned or Proposed), by country
Category Transmission Map

Rolling Transmission Map

Designed to track the fast-moving roll out of Africa's transmission networks, the Rolling Transmission Map shows key developments as they happen through articles posted into the map, and is routinely updated on a quarterly basis.

The Rolling Transmission Map streams articles into the map, and underneath shows a list of all the articles shown in the extent of the current map view.

Click on any of these titles, and the article will be displayed in the map.

Category Transmission Map

Category Transmission Map

The Category Transmission Map shown here, also provided as part of this subscription, organises the articles by category, and displays markers for the selected category on the map.

Click the "Transmission Map" category for a list of articles in each quarter. Click on any of the titles in the category shown, and the article will be displayed in the map.

Context - Base Maps

Switch between four base maps against which to display the transmission data:

  • Openstreetmap (OSM) base map
  • Population Density
  • Landscape
  • Earth Lights


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© Africa Bandwidth Maps 2024.

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